I have two cats, a 29 gallon tank with like six fish in it, and a beta in a smaller tank. But I wanted a more exotic pet. I went to Petco today, and my heart melted at the site of the cute, energetic, (but stinky) ferrets. But those don't do well at all with kitties. Neither do rabbits or guinea pigs, or anything cute and furry for that matter. So I wandered off in to the less traveled area of the pet store. The exotic pet section. Snakes, lizards, turtles, frogs, toads. So much to look at. The one thing that stuck out to me was the really cute, funny, red eared sliders. And before anyone starts ranting about the responsabilities of owning another pet, i have done some research, so don't worry. I have one question though. How big of a tank is really needed? Yes, I have heard of the 10 gal. per shell inch. But is that really nessecary? I mean, come on. I could live in a tank that size. Would a 20-30 gal. tank be even remotely humane for one measly RES? I'm only getting one, if any. That is for sure. We really don't have room for a 100 gallon tank. Another creature we were thinking of getting was a gecko. Leopard to be exact. Seems to be the best species for us. How big of a tank for that? And do you have to get live bugs (crickets, worms, ect.) for them, or could you get dried or frozen or whatever. I also heard of gut loading. Does that mean we have to go through the hassle of buying yet another tank just to put stupid crickets in to feed them? Because that would truly suck. We were also thinking a frog or bearded lizard. anything I should know about that? Tank size yet again too. I figured geckos and frogs would be better choices for us, but I really had my heart set on a RES. Well, to sum it up, here are my questions:
1. Smallest tank size we could get for one RES, frog, leopard gecko, or bearded dragon.
2.Live insects nessecary?
3. Availibility in pet stores?
4. Any additional info on any of these creatures.
Thank you very much, and sorry for the novel. But, please be honest AND knowledgable. no simple links to info sites either. I want personal experiences and expert advice.