
What kind of features should i add to a website that promotes peace?

by Guest66721  |  earlier

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hey guys! im starting a website that promotes the know-how to bring about peace within the world. what kind of services/features should i add to make it more appealing and complete?

thank you :)




  1. you could do a feature about creative writing and ppls thought, and get them to write poems.

    i found this site:

    poets against war.

  2. maybe some pictures of pigeons, peace signs, flowers.....

  3. A monogram of past, present and future, which should represent what

    we were, what we are and what we will be ! If we are  connected to nature we are peaceful, if we are connected to materials ie. machines and robots we are disterbed and what we expect from our future is peace and it is only posible if we are naturally peaceful !

  4. something about guns, like gun safety maybe. Also, something about abortion and how it is murder. Maybe some info about drug use and how it causes people to kill and steal and other crimes involved with drug use.

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