
What kind of feelings does sunset give to you? do you watch it often? ?

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What kind of feelings does sunset give to you? do you watch it often? ?




  1. It makes me feel kind of happy, I feel connected to the whole world. That same sunset is being seen by millions, all over the world and has been being seen for millions of years. It doesn't judge anyone, it's there for everyone to see and enjoy.  

  2. sunsets kinda make me sad.. it lets me know that the day is ending. unless its a bad day, then it makes me happy. i watch it sometimes, but ,most of the time im spending time with family so i dont get alone time to myself all that much anymore. before i moved to where i am now, i watched it evey night. but i cant now

  3. It makes me feel awake. I don't know why. Probably because I'm a major insomniac.

  4. I watch it whenever possible.

    It gives me the impression that:

    1- Every (hot) thing 'd, at a point of time, looses its heat in the high waters ( or ground ) of every day life.

    2- After every era of intellectual enlightenment, There 'd be a generation of dark ignorance, and only a few could read those stars in heavens to know their way in the desert of such era.

    3- A birth ( of the sun) was witnessed  at some point along the horizon. In its mid- age reached its might in the high noon,; then started fading away, until buried at the opposite point along the same horizon.

    4- Nothing stays the same, and yesterday's sun is not today's, for today I'm different, I'm a day older.

    Interesting question !  

  5. Yes, I have a terrific view of the sun setting in the west from my terrace. And the usually (well 9 months of the year) beautiful sunsets leave me with a feeling of deep contentment, peace and happiness. That's another day negotiated with relatively few compromises, hopefully having hurt no one, and being true to yourself and those you care for... What more do you need at the end of the day?

  6. it makes me feel calm and makes me appreciate life...its just so beautiful and so is the sunrise

  7. Usually, warm feelings...except on Sundays.

  8. I watch the sunset often because the feeling it gives me is complete calm and serenity. it helps to remind me that no matter how my day went or what may be bothering me seems to become so minor and unimportant once I see that complete sunset!

  9. Sunsets make me relaxed, the sky all multi colored and warm is sort of calming. But they also kinda make me sad because it is the end of the day. I watch the sunset alot because it is beautiful and calming .

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