
What kind of financial assistance can I get while I put my baby up for adoption to help pay for monthly bills?

by  |  earlier

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I can't work and I'm living with my sister and her husband and they can't afford to keep me up. I want to work but I am nearing 8 months and I just need some money to help. I am on foodstamps and I have insurance through the state, but that only feeds me. And they also have two children of their own to take care of. They are also the only family I have to turn to.




  1. Oh sweetie  -- the way you worded your question sounds as if you are selling your baby. LOL

    It's a tough situation you're in.  There are things you can do --  though it may sound old fashioned.

    If you sew, make things to put on consignment in your local quilt shop or craft store.  Help with chores for your neighbors or the elderly for a small fee, like make a few meals, do the wash or just garden.

    If you type offer to do resumes and such....

    Good luck.

  2. I would say to keep your baby and get a job online. I am not a supporter of online survey sites but if you are pregnant I would start there. I hire for my company as well. If you are interested send me an e-mail. I can definitly try an work something out for you

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