
What kind of fish are Kuhli Loach compatible with?

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No need for a warzone in my tank




  1. Kuhli loaches can get along with angelfish, barbs, Cory cats, danios, gourami, guppies, other loaches, mollies, platies, plecos, rainbow fish, rasboars, sharks, swordtails, and tetras.

    If that isn't enough for you I found this compatibility chart.

  2. Kuhli loaches are totally non-agressive, they wont even attack a guppy.

    So just pick other community fish and it will be fine. Because kuhli are bottom dwellers they can even be kept with small semi-agressive fish, as long as they have plenty of cover.


  3. Almost any sort of peacfull community fish. I have mine with a dwarf  gourami, 2 african dwarf frogs, and a baby britstlenose pleco. I used to have hatchetfish in there to, but somthing killed them, but I have not idea what. My other fish are still fine. Good luck with the fisheys!

  4. Tetras, pencilfish, hatchetfish, guppies, most small fish.  Adult kuhlis will be okay with angels and similar less aggressive cichlids.  Gouramis and bettas and probably Ctenomas.  Cory catfish, glass catfish, there's actually a lot.

  5. as long as you have places for them to hide and rocks for them to crawl under, they can be with any fish as long as it isnt too big or extreamly agressive.    i suggest a comunity fish or some sort of a semi agressive fish.

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