
What kind of fish can I put with a cory cat-fish?

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What kind of fish could I put with my cory cat-fish.The fish tank that my cory cat-fish is in is one gallon and I want another fish




  1. Gina W is a prime example that Yahoo Answers is broken and will give anyone a TC badge.

    As for your question, cories thrive and live in shoals of 3 and more. Depending on your size of tank, at least a 10 gallon would be minimum of you want a little variety of fish. The bigger the tank the bigger, but if any smaller you cannot stock it will many fish.

    10 gallon tank

    3-5 cories

    5 neons

    2 ottos

    10 gallon tank

    5 male guppies

    3-5 cories

    2 ottos

    etc etc etc

    Just do not go crazy and stick 20 cories in a 10 gallon tank or so on. DO NOT DO NOT buy any fish that exceeds 3+ inches.

    These are fine for smaller tanks-



    Dwarf Gouramis



    Shoal of female bettas




    If you want to keep your fish happy and have more fish, get a bigger tank than 1 gallon. Smaller tanks will only stress out your fish, and I doubt it even has a filter and a heater.


  2. The minimum requirement when stocking a tank is 1 inch per gallon. That means in a one gallon tank you can only keep a one inch fish.

    Get a 10 gallon tank and get your corydora catfish a couple more cories as friends since they do best in groups of 3 or more.

  3. The tank is to small to put another fish in it.

  4. Dont try and keep tropical fish in a one gallon tank, they WILL die.

    Save up and get yourself a 10-20gal tank that you can actually cycle and set up as a proper tank.

    Then you have room for a couple more cories and a few other small fish.


  5. For one gallon tank, you may stock 3 more small fish.  Make sure they are same kind of fish if possible.  

    aquarium maintenance:

    have fun !!!

  6. A one gallon container with more than one fish?  Not likely.

    You might go with shrimp.

    Think about what the fish needs, not what you want.

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