
What kind of fish can i put in with goldfish?

by  |  earlier

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yeah, just wondering, i heard they can be put in with almost any fish except territorial ones. lol thanks yous <3




  1. Ah blue

  2. A Betta.

  3. Warning: DO NOT PUT IT IN WITH ANOTHER GOLD FISH ONE WELL IT THE OTHER ONE  it happened to my friend....

  4. I highly suggest you put them in with some neon tetras and a female marbled molly. They are all very beautiful and friendly fish. This will make quite a nice, colorful tank! Do not put in with a beta. Siamese fighting fish don&#039;t do well with others. They are isolated for a good reason. Really though, why not just put goldfish with goldfish? There are plenty of reasons to keep goldfish with goldfish, but they also die off so fast! Get some hardy fish and put them together. Hey it is your choice though. I&#039;m sure that either way the new fish will work out well.

    Have fun with your fish!!

  5. a fancy goldfish is good only with fancy goldfish,  oranda, black moore, celestial, pearlscale, ranchu, lionhead, fantail, ryukin

    a common goldfish can go along with shubunkin, comets, koi, jikin and wakin.

    kOi keeper &amp; goldfish keeper

  6. There are very few fish that can survive with goldfish due to the high amounts of ammonia they secrete through their waste. If you are considering adding any other species to this tank - I would double-up on my filtering system as most waterfall (or single-filter) pumps can&#039;t handle filtering out all the ammonia to make the water hospitable for other species.

  7. sharks

  8. Other similar goldfish. If you have a 30 gallon tank. Which would be suitable for 2 fancies.  No, they can&#039;t be put with almost any fish. And don&#039;t put neon tetras in with a goldfish because neon&#039;s are warm water fish and goldfish are cold water fish.

  9. keep goldfish with other goldfish. Don&#039;t get a betta, or small fish - anything small enough to fit in their mouths will get eaten.

    When i first started keeping fish i was told i could keep them with other fish, the pet store sold me, minnows - the goldfish ate them

    they are extremely dirty fish which may upset other fish.

  10. live bearers,some tetra,danios and other fish that can get along with them.

  11. Go into a pet store, preferably a large one, and the list of suitable community fish will be very long!  Goldfish are friendly, so you have tons of choices.  Good luck!

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