
What kind of fish can i put into a 10 gallon tank?

by Guest65408  |  earlier

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i have a 10 gallon tank

i just bougt some chiclids and they grow to about 5-7" 9inches) so im gonna have to upgrade my tank in the months comin.

but i still want to keep my 10 gallon tank also so...... what kind of fish can i put in there that dont grow very big say 1-2 inches, because i like to have many fish in a tank so let me know what kind of fish i can put in there

and also say i have some chiclids in my tank and tropical fish and the chiclids eat chiclid food and the tropical fish eat tropical food, can i still put both kinds of food in the same tank?

please let me know thanks




  1. You can't mix chiclids and other fish.  But when you move the chiclids out, my personal choice would be guppies.  They're small, so you could get about 6 of them if you want them to be happy.  If you want both male and female, make sure you have at least 2 female for every male.

  2. This subject comes up so often I wrote this:


    Do not add anything until those cichlids are rehomed. Remember many shoaling fish, despite their size, are too active for a 10 gallon tank. A breeding group of livebearers could also lead to the tank becoming overstocked.

  3. Yes a schooling fish would be nice!  Guppies, Platys and some Tetras (who acclimatize to slightly harder water like the liveberers) are great! They can be quite active and they also provide some wonderful colour!  Someone also mentioned the Cory Cats, they are small, cute and love to be in a group.   They tend to occupy the bottom of your tank mostly and they keep it quite clean! If you are looking for a very peaceful tank, Cardinal or Neon Tetras are also beautiful in a school, particularly when they are swimming through some nice plants (they prefer a little softer water .. I just mix some bottled RO water from the grocery store in with my water during water changes)! For sure you can put both foods in the same tank, you'll likely notice that the fish will enjoy each others food as well!

    Good luck,

    Happy fish keeping!


  4. Guppies, mollies, platys,cory cats, and tetras will all work in a 10 gallon tank.

  5. Guppies


    Balloon Mollies

    Skirted tetras

    neon tetras



    goldfish(only goldfish if you get them)

    koi(they grow to be pretty big)

    ghost catfish

    and lots more!

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