
What kind of fish is a minnow?

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I have had a pet minnow for 2 years. What kind of fish is he? What do regular minnows from the store turn out to be? Is it carp or are they just some sort of small fish that never get big




  1. A minnow is a small baitfish that usually never grows more than four inches.

  2. Not all minnows are small.  Carp for example get very large.  However, the largest in NA is the Colorado pike minnow.  It can reach 6 feet and 80 pounds.

    Having said that, the world record carp was from Thailand and weighed about 260 pounds.

    Oops, guess I didn't answer your question.  The minnows you buy in the store could be White Cloud Mountain minnows, which get to about the same size as a neon tetra, and really should be in schools.  There are other minnows they sell for feeders, and they are usually kept near goldfish, which are also minnows.  And goldfish can get quite large, up to at least 18 inches.

  3. Well, a Minnow is actually any fish in the family "Cyprinidae". Bait shops sell many different kinds of minnows for bait, so without a picture or a detailed explanation of what it looks like, we are pretty much useless.

  4. Regular minnows? probably differ in different parts of the country. As far as fishing is concerned - minnow is a generic term...

  5. minnows are small fish that never git big, your right. they are great baitfish actually. 2 years eh, you should hook em and git a big ol pike with him, haha.

    hope that answers your question

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