
What kind of fish would be good for this aquarium?

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I have a 10 gallon tank setup (filter, heater, lighting) with gravel, a rock, and some live plants. Currently, I have a small pleco and a male betta. What kinds of fish would be suitable for my tank?




  1. Absolutely no guppies.

    Guppies are flashy and have large fins, this triggers an instinct in the bettas to battle. betta aka. siamese fighting fish

    male bettas are tough to have tankmates with. Too big and the betta will fight or be bullied. too small and they will nip at the betta fins. I tried adding fish, but they didnt last, and my betta even attacked the snail i put in. It really depends on your betta, and his temperment.

  2. A small school of tetras or guppies would be perfect. You could toss in a couple of bamboo shrimp- they are really interesting. Or you could put in a dozen (much cheaper) ghost shrimp- they do enough cleaning of excess food that they don't have a huge impact on your bioload.

    A goldfish would be a terrible choice for this tank as you aleady have a tropical fish and heater. Not to mention that goldies need at least 20 gallons.

    Congratulationns on starting off on the right foot and having your betta in an actual aquarium rather than a vase!

  3. Get some male guppies

  4. Tetras or danios, they are hardy fish. Good Luck!

  5. A goldfish

  6. Guppies would not be a good idea as the long fins make then not compatible.

    Some good options though are: Danios, Corydoras, otto's, pearl gouramis, platy, molly

    Although with any male betta it is trial and error. Some betta's are more accepting of tank mates than others.

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