
What kind of fishes can be in the same tank with the betta fish?

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i have a male betta and one f the ones that stick to the wall and like eat dirt..and i want to knoe wat other fish i can put in wit the betta fish..and i want a fish that can grow big and can last long..




  1. Any fish that isn't overly active. Tetras like a black skirt would go nice. My betta lives in a 55 gal. community tank. I have 4 black skirts,4 Red Minors,1 Red-tailed shark, 1 female betta,2 angel fish,2 honey sunset gouramis, 2 different types of plecos (The fish you mentioned that sticks on the wall is probably a pleco),and one 1  Chinese algae eater.

    I wouldn't go with a goldfish myself,or a koi for that matter. Both of those fish grow very big and it would be a possibility that they could eat your betta when they got big enough. By the way how many gallons is your tank? It is a little hard to say what you should put with him unless we know how big of a tank you have. Tetras again would be a perfect choice they last a quite a long time...I have one in my tank that we refer to as grandpa because he is around 5 years old.  I'm not sure why people think you can't put Betta's in a community tank..because that is just not true. Betta's do not attack other fish..they only attack other MALE Betta's. Betta's in my opinion thrive in tanks with room to swim and with other fish. I am not a believer in putting any fish in a bowl as that seems cruel to me. Good Luck with your fish :] Hope I was able to help.  

  2. Passive fish, goldfish are hardy and they usually don't bug bettas.

    I had a goldfish for about 7 years but he got to big so I put him in a huge pond and now hes like 2 feet long. So I would go with Koi or just plain bait goldfish.  


  4. ur not supposed to mix other fish in with beta

  5. you cant put no other fish with bettas because they will fight! bettas like to be alone .

  6. NONE. The one that sticks to the wall is probably a pleco.

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