
What kind of fish?(from walmart)?

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i want to get a new fish i have $7.00 and i have 1 beta and 1 sucker fish but i don't want prego fishy.

i did have 2 little fish but one was sucked up the filter and other died and betta and sucker fish ate it

plz help you pplz have till this weekend




  1. If you are going to spend your $$ on a fish, don't buy it at Walmart. They are more likely to have diseases that will spread to your other fish & then all your fish will die.

    If you have a beta, you cannot put another fish in the same tank. Period. Beta's are single fish, and shouldn't be kept with others.

    Go to your local pet store or aquarium shop-they should be able to help you!

    But please don't buy a fish from Walmart-its not worth the $$!

  2. Cories aren't sucker fish for one, they are catfish.

    If you bought your pleco from walmart then it is probably a common pleco that reaches 18" at full growth. If that is the case they aren't compatible with a Betta anyway.

    Each fish's personality is different and it is trial and error when trying to get companions for Betta's.  I have had luck with Corie's Otto's and snails so far. Other fish that are compatible would be Zebra Danios, Bala Shark, Pearl Gouramis, Molly, Platy, swordtail, redtail shark, rainbow shark.

    Although with any of these fish you will need a large tank, many of these listed are schooling fish and do better in 20g aquariums or more.

  3. Umm what size tank do you have?

    Do you have a filter?

    Do you have a heater?

    Well, you could get a snail, Ghost shrimp.

    Some bettas like to be mean and others don't

    I put some guppies with my betta and he hated them and starting biting them. Some though, are okay with guppies in their tank.

    p.s. if your other fish is a cory the ghost shrimp won't work! Hope I helped!

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