
What kind of flower is your favorite? Where do lillies come from, esp. Callas? Why do they cost so much?

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I personally adore calla lillies, roses, and lots of different lillies.




  1. The calla lily (Callas) originates from the southern parts of Africa, namely South Africa up to the country Malawi, which is positioned in alignment with the northern border of the African island Madagascar. This area has a tropical climate in which the calla lily really finds itself at home with a steady temperature, rainy seasons and dry seasons. (

    Lilium longiflorum and L. formosanum (Liliaceae) endemic to the Ryukyu Archipelago (Japan) and Taiwan


    Callas belong to Araceae family while Lilies belong to Liliaceae.

    I like sakura (cherry blossom) and cosmos the most, but I love Lilies too =)

    Love flowers so much

  2. My favorite flower is anything in the violet family -- johnny-jump-ups, violets, pansies, violas.

    Calla lillies are scientifically known as Zantedeschia.  Zantedeschia is a genus of twenty-eight species of herbaceous flowering plants in the family Araceae, native to southern Africa from South Africa north to Malawi. The name of the genus was given as a tribute to Italian botanist Giovanni Zantedeschi (1773-1846) by the German botanist Kurt Sprengel (1766 - 1833). Common names include Arum lily for Z. aethiopica, calla, and calla lily for Z. elliottiana and Z. rehmannii although it is neither a true lily (Liliaceae), nor Arum or Calla (related genera in Araceae). It is also often erroneously spelled as "cala lily". It has often been used in many paintings, and is visible in many of Diego Rivera's works of art (see The Flower Vendor, amongst others).

    Other types of lilies can be found anywhere that is tropical to temperate, depending on the species.

    They are expenseive because you only get 1-3 flowers per plant.  When grown for the floral industry, it is one of the more difficult plants to produce because of diseases, duration to bloom, and the few flowers that are produced per plant.

  3. Calla lilies are beautiful though not a true lily. Most plants are priced based on the amount of time it takes to get them to maturity so they can be sold in bloom. The longer it takes the more it coasts.  

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