
What kind of food can person with a Kosher diet eat.?

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What kind of food can person with a Kosher diet eat.?




  1. this is nonsense



  2. meat seperated with cheese and dairy, cant be consumed in the same meal. and no pork.

  3. The Jewish faith requires that Meat be slaughtered in a specific way and blessed. You can buy meat prepared this way and it will have a symbol on the side to indicate that it has been prepared correctly.

    If you are unable to find any I'd stick to Vegetarian, to err on the safe side.

  4. Kosher! Someone who eats Kosher food is a Jew. This is very strict as in all milk products and all meat products have to be totallly separated - from cooking in the kitchen (usually having 2 separate kitchens), to serving the food (can't be both on the same table).

  5. Kosher

  6. Anything with an ou symbol on the package... its a letter U iside a circle... kosher people has to eat meat and dairy seperated... cant eat cheeseburgers... You can eat a grilled cheese sandwich or a hamburger just as long as those elements dont mix

  7. As our friends say - look it up on google.

    A really strict Jew wouldn't put you in the situation of having to feed them without some previous discussion - in an emergency I'd go to a health food shop and find summat that's been authenticated by the Jewish authorities, it'll say so on the packet.

    Offer very carefully washed fruit for dessert.

    Actually the early Vegan movement was lubricated by a kosher margarine called Tomor. It does the job, but needs summat a bit tasty on it.

  8. use throwaway plastic and paper dishes and silverware because a religious Jew can't use utensils or dishes that a) may have been used for nonkosher food; b) can't use dishes/utensils that may have been used for both dairy and meat dishes

    2. Prepare simple foods: tunafish salad, for instance -- all ingredients should bear the "U" or "K" -- easy enough -- they usually do.

    3. Do not use any ingredients that are meat-derived

    You are in good company.  Warren Buffett and his wife had Orthodox Jewish friends and they did basically the above...for Thanksgiving in Omaha, Neb.!

  9. If it's prepared food, it should have a Kosher symbol on it, usually a K, a u within a circle....

    Meat is specifically marked also.

    Meat and dairy can't be mixed, no shellfish, no pork.  Otherwise, it's really easy to keep kosher, especially if you're vegetarian.  You can find great kosher recipes online...

  10. For really extensive information, see"

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