
What kind of food should i bring to the beach?

by  |  earlier

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me and my boyfriend don't like sandwiches, so thats out of the question. we're gonna get really hungry, though. and i need something that won't go bad, thats filling (not like fruits or cookies, we have those) but like an actual filling dish.




  1. make hot dogs and but it in the bun. wrap in cling wrap and bring your favorite drinks.  also small bags of chips and go to the deli and get a pound of greek pasta salad.  the pasta salad does have mayo but if you put it in your cooler it will be fine.  Or bring some fried chicken and finger rolls with a salad. you could probably make this the night before or buy it at your local grocery store.

  2. Pasta Salad, Crisps , Cooked chicken, or just go to the fish & Chip shop, there is always one close.

  3. wrap up some cake in cling film and take along some sausage rolls, some fresh fruit and cut up some raw veggies like carrots, celery,cucumber  etc and put a pot of mayo so that they can dip there raw veggies into it.some battered fish and chips keep them hot in a hot plate cover its a sort of gadget that keeps your food hot up to 4 hours. make a salad and take a pot of coleslaw, cooked chicken legs. cooked piazzas. jam tarts.biscuits. orange juice etc in a cool pies.  

  4. Personally I hate taking food to the beach becuase it doesn't matter how careful you are...chances are you will eat the food with a CRUNCH CRUNCH. My best advice is to eat at fast food or restaurant nearby to avoid eating sand and you don't have to actually leave that far from the beach, also save you in prep time and tugging around an ice chest...but if you must take something to eat and SANDWICHES which are very practical then I suggest taking some cooked chicken with potatoes or frys. Like a 6 peice or 8 peice of chicken and some drinks. Maybe you can even make a regular dinner or lunch and wrap them in individual tupperwares for you to just open and eat.

  5. I would just take some salads(meat type, because they would contain a little protein), and keep them on ice,or like most beaches, there are sure to be eateries close by...take a break, grab a little something, and head back to the water!

  6. anything except items with butter or mayo as it will spoil,,

  7. You can bring pretty much anything you want as long as it doesn't have mayo in it.  I would suggest making salads with chicken or something on them.  You could make a pasta salad which chicken on it.  

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