
What kind of formula do breast fed babies usually like?

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I have been breastfeeding my baby for 7 and a half months just interested in knowing what kind of formula do breastfed babies usually babies never tried formula..and I dont make enough to pump my I was thinkin of trying her on some formula..jus so I could go out with my friends for once...




  1. My son is 19 months old and has been breastfed from birth, and will not touch formula!  He screws his face up in disgust if you offer it to him.  He will drink Cravendale cows milk though.

  2. similac

  3. I used similac along with breastfeeding, but honestly none of them will taste anything like breastmilk, your little one will just have to get used to the taste. Start giving her a little now, so maybe a few weeks from now she will get used to it and do ok on it.

  4. my doc said that breastfed babies sometimes become a little low on iron, so i tries enfamil lipil with iron once every couple of sounds wierd but i tasted a little and it is a little sweet similar to breastmilk, so it was an easy transition...and he still loves the breastmilk and the formula is gentle on his tummy, he is 3 months old now and still has his 1 bottle of formula every couple of days...........if u do ur 1 bottle of formula a day, do it at night...he/she will sleep most of the night, then after his/her morning breastfeeding session, pump, you will have more and this way you can store some and ur milk supply will stay high...

  5. My boys never really liked any formula after they had been on breastmilk.  Finally i ended up going with pediasure (per Dr's advice) because then it is atleast sweeter like breastmilk but then you have to find the right nipple to use.

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