
What kind of formula is good for my baby?

by Guest66895  |  earlier

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I'm about to send my 4 month old baby to daycare. She's only been breast-feed up until now and I plan on continuing to. BUt I feel like I should send some formula with her as well as breast-milk just in case. But we tried to feed her formula one other time and she broke out in a rash. I'm not sure if it was because she was so young (6 weeks) or because she was allergic to the formula (infamil). should I try a soy-based formula? what are some good brands? I don't know anything about formula feeding. HELP!




  1. I would try lactose free before trying soy. Do some research on Soy formula.

  2. We tried several different kinds with my older son and settled on Good Start. It has what they call "comfort proteins" which tend to be easier on the stomach. Generally a milk allergy will show up more as gas and fussiness as opposed to a rash, so soy may not be necessary. You probably want to check with your doctor on that.  

  3. My son was using Nestle Good Start from about 4 + months, but, he was spitting it up all the time, so I switched to Isomil (Soy-based), and he loves it!  It's also one of the cheaper ones to buy, if you're going to go with formula.  I usually feed him breast milk about 3 - 4 times/day, and then a bottle twice, because it fills him up more and helps him sleep well through the night.  It took him a couple of weeks to get used to formula vs. breast milk (needed the formula to be warmed to room temp at least), but now he loves it.  Needed to be burped well at first, but is adjusting well now.

  4. I would ask your Dr about this. I would tell you that Enfamil Lipil would be the best, However, since you stated that she broke out in a rash she could be allergic.

    If she is been breastfeed ever since she was born I would try and stick with BM. Try pumping for her milk and putting them in bottles. Just make sure you pump enough for the day so she doesnt run out so that way you dont have to start her on formula and she wont run out of milk.

  5. I have heard Sov is not that good for babies.  My baby hated Infamil.  Your doctor would be the best person to ask but my baby has to Similac Sensitive.  She has a bad tummy, she gets that from her dad.  We have never had a problem with it and if you sign up a t they will send you coupons in the mail.  You can also sign up at to receive coupons on baby food and eating utensils.  Good luck with day care.  My baby has never been but the time will come soon.  

  6. my son uses similac alimentum it is for babies that have allergies and it worked great for us but you need to ask her doc first

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