
What kind of fox is this?

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I live in Bexar county Texas and I just saw a small fox outside in my yard. We live in a heavilly wooded area. There is currently a family of ferrel cats living in a pile of big rocks in my back yard and they come out to my deck to eat food we put out for them. The mother cat scared away the fox. I couldnt get a picture of the fox, but i am for sure it wasnt a red fox. the only thing i remember about it was that it had a big fluffy tail that kinda had black vertical stripes and a black tip. So im not sure what kind of fox it was. I looked up foxes on the internet and everywhere i looked it says that the foxes in North America dont eat cats but it looked like it was trying to eat the three kittens. please tell me what kind of fox this could be and what we should do about it.




  1. are you sure it was a fox? if so i cant help. but if you want protection for the cats you need to let them fend for them selves but if you cetch the fox in the act feel free to interject i would.

  2. Maybe a gray fox...they have some black on the tail.  You should not do anything..let the fox is in it's natural habitat where it should be.  Usually cats and foxes get along or sometimes cats bully them.  Sure, they might go after kittens due to their small size, but just let the animals work it out.  If you are putting food out..this may be attracting the foxes as well.  If you don't want them around ...then you need to stop feeding the cats as well.  As long as you are putting a free meal out..anyone is welcome to eat it.

  3. sounds more like a coyote common in texas

  4. I think its a coyote...possibly a badger

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