
What kind of friend is shee?? same with this guyy??? wth?

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Okay, there was this party on the other night and I invited two guys to come along. One being my crush, ill call him Tim. Ive liked him for a year and he found our recently. LIke a month before the party. He liked me back but said that he would go out with me becuase it will ruin the friendship between him and this guy, ill call him Ken. (thats like one of best mates). Because we're both tight with ken, he thought it will be awkward if we all hang out and ****.

So theres this girl, ill call Kate, that im friends with and im pretty tight with her. Kate knew that i liked Tim for agggges but the funny thing was that Kate and Tim hooked up in front of me, held hands, got close, danced together. He was making moves on her and she was doing the same back. Tim knew i was friends with her an that i liked him and she knew i liked him too. How could they do taht to me? why did it happen? it hurt me soo much. ive never been down about something like this before. what do i do? i know that revenge isnt the answer. plus i go to school with kate and in cllasses wit her. so hard to avoid. please help.





    be like why the h**l did you do that to me? i reallythought you were a great friend of mine, and you KNEW how i feel about tim, so you better have a great explanation for this or our friendship is OVER!

    as for the tim might just wana leave him alone...if he has no consideration for your feelings you shouldnt give an a hole like that a chance w. you.

  2. Firstly, you don't own Tim so he can go out with whomever he chooses.  Secondly, they got together because they obviously like each other and don't care about your feelings.  They deserve each other.  I would trust Tim as far as I could throw him.  Why tell you that he liked you but couldn't go out with you because of his friendship with Ken???  Who's Ken and what has he to do with it?  Why couldn't he be honest with you.  Go to school with your head held high and find some new friends.

  3. Kate is not your real friend and neither is TIM!

  4. Well, I couldn't understand many parts because of grammar, but I'm going to say Tim is a user and Kate's not a sensitive friend.

  5. been there. .

    she aint no good friend to you.. but if her friendship is important to you, then you can forgive her on this. if it happens again, and you still want to be friends with her, then can have idiot for a last name.

    and this tim guy, if i were him, i wouldnt make moves to someone who's frineds with someone whom i had just told that i liked [back]. let alone in front of her! i would be so darn selfish and egoistic. .

    so, dont waste your energy in unworthy people such as tim [and probably that whats-her-name friend of yours].

  6. Sounds like he likes her and not you.  If you are a real friend you can move on and forgive her.  I've been in that situation before and I know how it feels, but being mad and selfish won't change anything.

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