
What kind of future world do you envision for your children?

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I read there's a baby boom occurring now. Shouldn't that help the economy? Or at least be a result of a strong one? Seems like reverse logic to me.




  1. Yeah, a baby boom would generally produce a possible future economic surge.  However, it also depends on how that generation is brought up.  If education, motivation and drive is not taught and lacking then it can be a "wasted generation."  Also, having insufficient and incompatent governments like the current one can also have a profound effect.

  2. A desert wasteland simliar to what you see in the movie

    'The Road Warrior'.

  3. No -- generally a baby boom occurs when the population lives in substandard conditions and higher mortality rates.

    A country like Afghanistan has a high birth rate, lower living standards, and high mortality.

    A country like Sweden has a low birth rate, better living standards, and low mortality.

  4. Either that or people can't afford their birth control pills.

    Look at the news again and search for an article about teenagers and a "pregnancy pact."  Yes, like a suicide pact.  Stupid.  Obviously, the ones doing the "booming" aren't the most brilliant citizens.

    The future I envision for my children?  World domination, of course.

  5. the future I envisage (great question btw :) )

    Ill make this short:

    Global warming eradicated as an issue. requires urgent action

    A world where the culture is not to be greedy and slefish but to think of others. I would like to see less poverty in the world, less war, less American governmet (and European for that matter) support for various totalitarian regimes around the world.

    I'd like to see universal world class education for everyone in my country (england) and hopefully the world.

    Id like to see less poverty and less inequality and i think its a problem that 1% of the world own 50% of the world wealth whilst at the same time half the world lives on less than $2per day. People die of starvation

    Id also like to see something done about awful corporations. Eg Tobacco: it is estimated, worldwide that 5.5mil ppl are going to die every year from cigarettes - thats more than HIV and Malaria put together!

    Or Exxon (esso petrol) who basically bribed Bush's campaign team not to sign Kyoto which could destroy much of the planet!

    There are countless examples of Corporations abusing the 3rd world aswell but i wont go into it.

  6. I envision a future with electronic pants.

  7. The baby boom will begin in 2009 when our troops get home. Right now there are girls being born 5 girls to 1 boy. The trend always happens during wartime for some reason. Our children are going to learn the hard way as most of us had to after trying to start at the top and realize it's okay to fail.

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