
What kind of games can i play on trampoline?

by  |  earlier

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my trampoline is starting to get boring




  1. yeah, they get old quick, just sell it, it won't b any fun anymore

  2. tag, highest bounce, sword fight, best trampoline move

  3. You can play crack the egg, where someone balls themself up in the middle of the trampoline and the others jump really hard to get the egg to unwrap or 'crack'. Trampoline tag and dancing contests are also fun. Enjoy!

  4. crack the egg. Someone sits indian style in the middle and the rest try to get them to fall over by jumping around them. The person who lasts the longest wins.  

  5. we play a game called blind dog. one person gets on their hands and knees and closes their eyes, and the rest run around and the blind dog tries 2 trip them. 1st to get tripped 3 times gets to be the blind dog. its really fun.

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