
What kind of ghost is this? why did this happen to me?

by Guest32642  |  earlier

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Well when I was 13 years old, it was night time, and i was sleeping, then something woke me up first I heard a whistle then my door opened all the way and my cat ran out, then I turned my head (because my door was on my left side) and I saw a black figure only from the waist up it had no face or arms just like a square body and a round had, and for a second it was just black then it started flashing blacking and white. And I was trying to scream for my mom but i couldn't my body was numb and i couldn't move, I was so scared and when I couldn't do anything tears ran down my face and then it disappeared. The reason everything was seen so clearly was because I use to leave my t.v on at night (on the Disney channel with the volume down low). I don't know if this has anything to do with it but I took two Benadryl pills at around 9:00 a.m, and slept most of the day and my encounter happened at 2:59 a.m. So I think the pills were out of my system by then, I do believe in ghost and demons.




  1. Sounds like Sleep Paralysis. The benedryl could have had something to do with it too.

  2. Don't do that again.  If you took something that impairs your immune system.  Does not matter what it is.  It will allow things to contact you that you may not have otherwise seen.  Anti Histamines are the first form of defense.  Take them away and really strange things can get to you.

  3. You were dreaming?

  4. It is called The Hag.  The expression Old Hag Attack refers to a hypnagogic state in which paralysis is present and, quite often, it is accompanied by terrifying hallucinations. When excessively recurrent, some consider them to be a disorder; however many populations treat them as simply part of their culture and mythological world-view, rather than any form of disease or pathology.  The medical term for this experience is Sleep Paralysis.

    I have experienced her numerous times and I'm still fine, so most likely you have nothing to worry about.

  5. Your first two answerers gave the complete answer, I can add nothing except that it happens to most of us at one time or another in our lives.

    This isn't an answer but I would say that the vast majority of people I know with paranormal abilities have experienced this at one time or another in his or her life.

  6. That's the pope's cousin, Count Popula.  He is a magical creature with pencils for arms.  He wrote the play "Hamlet".

  7. Many years ago I took a hit of Window Pane.

    Then this guy and I went walking through a field of weeds about waist high.

    Next thing you know, we're both having the same trip where we're swimming through bed coils.

    Was that paranormal?


    Not any more than you being on an antihistamine and seeing the shadow of the TV show reflecting from the paint on the walls.

  8. Normally when people use the term "sleep paralysis" or "night terror" or something, I see it as a cop out for a real explination, but in your case I do think it was sleep paralysis.  If you couldn't move then you most likely were having one of these. These sleep paralysis things are scientifically proven.  They seem very vivid and real, and you may even have your eyes open at the time.  With the information that you fell asleep with your TV on, it most definitly makes me think that you were hallucinating.

    But not everything is explained by nigth terrors.

  9. It's called a dream.

    This is what happens when you have a pre-existing but unsubstantiated belief in something--anomalies or anything else you don't immediately understand are automatically ghosts and demons.

  10. u wre just HALLUCINATING--it happens to all

  11. That sounds like you saw a demonic entity. I suggest praying and asking Jesus Christ to protect you from all demonic spirits.

  12. I always have nightmares / dreams but many medicines tend to make them a lot worse. Some can seem so real and wake in the middle not knowing what is going on. I also sleep with the TV on, always on Fox News. I hear the news and it is sometime incorporated in my dreams.

    A dream very simular to this happened to me during Hurricane Katrina. I remember b/c I slept in my sister's room b/c it was safer, away from all the trees. There was a black figure standing in the bedroom doorway. I knew where I was, seeing this figure, half asleep and could not move no matter how hard I tried. I woke up confused as h**l. It took me a little while to realize it was a dream. I had a weird feeling half the day. It is called sleep paralysis.

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