
What kind of girl comes to mind when you think of a Brianna? (pronounced like Banana)?

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What kind of girl comes to mind when you think of a Brianna? (pronounced like Banana)?




  1. short and blonde

  2. That's my name!

    and do you mean pronounced like Bri-ah-na, or Bri-an-a?

    Mine is pronounced like bri-ah-na.

    edit- haha, i just noticed your name. nicee. =]

  3. kinda stuck-up

  4. A chimpanzee.

    You don't say banana, its pronounced Bre aa na.

    Anyways, the brianna's at my school were both BIG. One fat, and one a little fat and really tall.

  5. why would it be pronounced the banana?

    Anyway a white girl, loud, annoying, with way to much make up.

    Atleast that's what the one I knew was like.

  6. A girl with a great sence of houmor and always smiles and love to go shopping. i know a girl named Breanna!

  7. white girl with black glasses

  8. A cute , fun, caring,  girl. lol my name is Breeanna

  9. thats my name!  

  10. the girl down the street

  11. Its prounced Bananna? as it the fruit? I think of a yellow and oddly shaped... JK Lol but is it really pronced like that? When i hear "brianna" i think of tall brown haired and brown eyes.

  12. White, freckly. The Brianna I know is chubby. Lol but I know not all are :)

  13. My best friend! Except her name is Bryanna.  

  14. the cheerleader type

  15. A blonde girl.

    I like the name BriAnna [pronounced like Hannah, Savannah]  

  16. I'm assuming versus the pronunciation like Bri-ahna.  I happen to have  a Brianna( like Banana) and she is short, skinny, curly haired and cute with blue eyes.

  17. A girl with tight braids

  18. Cheesy -- as though derived from Brie.  And wasn't Brie the name of Jane Fonda's character -- a prostitute -- in "Klute"?!

  19. Someone very pretty and curious, cheerful and a little crazy but cute!

    a little shy at the beginning but very easy to hang around with.

  20. Skinny, brown hair, nice smile, friendly.

  21. That's my name...even though I've never heard it pronounced like that.   and it's not derived from brie! It's the feminine form of "brian"...

  22. MY SIS annoying stuburn mean and selfish  white brown hair blue eyes skinny

  23. I'm a teacher. I've known white, black, hispanic, and asian Brianna's. They are all completely different in personality so nothing in particular comes to mind. There have been many of them, probably one of the most popular names of all.

  24. Very popular, plump lips, womanly figure, blonde, lots of make up, straight forward, blunt-- but not really rude.

  25. It's my 2nd daughter's name,but we pronounce it Bree ON Uh instead of the Bree an uh. She's a skinny, brown hair ,blue eyed girl that is super cute and loads of fun.

  26. Girly, or sceneish :P

  27. white

  28. a whiny young child for some reason.  lots of freckles.  

  29. For some reason I think of a blond-blue eyed girl, dont know why...

  30. I like it. My friends daughters name is Brianna. We call her Bri Bri. Not like an E, like and I

  31. I knew a girl with this name she was cute, smart, and fairly popular. She had freckles, and a funny laugh also played softball in HS.... so the name reminds me of her.

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