my friend's in jail...well i never really knew him but i started geting ot know him after he got thrown in.
the first two letters we wrote were very sweet. was very sweet.
but we've descended to a level of darkness i never knew was possible!! i guess it's kinda my he kept it neutral to sweet, but asked me what kinda stuff i was into, and i was being honest with my answers and somehow led to us talking about black metal and war (which was alright) but he just seems to get angrier in every letter. like his tone has completely changed, he seems to get even more frustrated and talks about vomitting twice in half an hour and the odors in his cell and the unit.
iwhat could i do to bring ourselves out of this 'darkness'. it's just that i'm NOT COMFORTABLE with it. And i'm afraid he probably thinks i enjoy talking about that, and that's why he's completel y changed his tone.
but after all, maybe he is showing me his true feelings, that he is pissed off. then what can i do to cheer him up without 'babying' him?
thank you