
What kind of girls are boys attracted to?

by  |  earlier

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I am okay, I am very friendly and I don't wear or act girly. But I seem to attract the wrong guys. What am I doing wrong? I seem hopeless.




  1. For me personally, I like a pretty girl, looks good, clean, a bit girly and silly when it doesn't matter, but when we talk and actually just be with each other, she is mature and kind and sensitive. She would be fashionable but not crazy obsessed. Smart and a hard worker and good student. She is also independent but needs my help now and then and we really get along perfectly. Oh wait, that IS my girlfriend lol. But seriously, just be yourself and eventually you'll find the right person. Maybe you are just looking in the wrong places?

  2. Do you dress a little risque? When you wear short skirts and bear middrifts you attract the wrong kind of guys.  Try to dress more conservative and let them see the real you shine through. If all they see are your curves and your body thats probably the only thing they are thinking of.  

  3. You need to feel and be confident about yourself. Hold a decent conversation.

    I'd say just do the opposite of what you're doing now, and give that a test. If it does not work out, rewind time.  

  4. like what? Boys are attracted to girls w/ big b***s. i dont mind if they are average or small as long its the personality. what seems wrong what u do?? boys go for the move and girls to sometimes so try and act girly a little bit

  5. your not I am the same way there are guys out there that will like you (I know because i know guys who attracted to my "type" just not me)

    your not doing anything wrong it depends on the guy what he likes and you will find someone who likes you for you. Don't ever change who you are for anyone except for yourself.

    Good luck

    Edit: you never know whether or not he's going to work at McDonald's for the rest of his life you shouldn't be so quick to judge if you don't like him then you don't like him if you don't like him because you think he's a loser then that's pretty sad people thought my mother would never go to collage and a guy didn't choose her because he thought she'd never amount to anything the girl he did choose over my mother went to collage but she's a stay at home mother and my mother now she not only went to collage got to her Masters  degree and is now a professor at a collage and has another good job at a software company don't be so quick to judge people because you never know what might happen. Give McDonalds dude a chance you never know how good it could be untill you try it. If you seriously have no interest in this guy at all then tell him and find someone who you think is better.

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