
What kind of government does Los Cabos have? If you know a good resource site please tell me!!?

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i need help. my report is due tomorrow and i can't find much on Los Cabos!! thanks for the help




  1. Los Cabos is Mexico.

    The United Mexican States are a federal presidential representative democratic republic whose government is based on a congressional system, whereby the president of Mexico is both head of state and head of government, and of a multi-party electoral system. The federal government represents the United Mexican States and is divided into three branches: executive, legislative and judicial as established by the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States, published in 1917. The constituent states of the federation must also have a republican form of government based on a congressional system as established by their respective constitutions.

    The executive power is exercised by the executive branch, which is headed by the President, advised by a cabinet of secretaries and independent of the legislature. Legislative power is vested upon the Congress of the Union a two-chamber legislature comprising the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies. Judicial power is exercised by the judiciary, comprising of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation, the Council of the Federal Judiciary and the collegiate, unitary and district tribunals.

  2. its a Municipio, has a Presidente Municipal(executive) and a small chamber  made by Síndicos and Regidores(cabildo),  is part of the state of Baja California Sur.

    TRY wikipedia Bajacalifornia municipalities, try Los Cabos, the two cites that are resorts are Cabo San Lucas and the head of the municipality (Ayuntamiento) is  at San Jose del Cabo.

    if you can read spanish try

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