
What kind of group are the homo habilis? of homo erectus? of homo sapiens?

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What kind of group are the homo habilis? of homo erectus? of homo sapiens?




  1. I don't know what you mean ny group, but it sounds like you think a homo sapien, is a homo erectus, is a homo habillis. We are seperate species, though the same genus, although some it should be australopithecus habillis.

  2. Homo sapiens is modern humans that go back about 200,000 years.  Erectus are hominids that exist back to about 2 million years ago and includes many hominids that are often and probably properly labeled as multiple species.  Habilis is older and probably also includes multiple species.  The most recent is about 1.5 million and and they go back to about 2.5 million.  If by group, you mean social structure, there is no way to know that from the fossil remains.  There are many theories about that but they rely on assumptions.

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