
What kind of guitar is best for a beginner?

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Is it a acoustic or electric and what brand would it be. Im 14 and i wanna learn how to play a guitar but i don't know which one would be good for me. Thank you




  1. Cutie94,

    I work in a guitar store and plenty of parents and students come into me all the time and ask me which is better.  This is what I tell them.

    DO WHAT YOU WANT TO DO.  You're more likely to practice, get more out of each session that you do, and enjoy it.  And having fun is what guitar is all about.

    Physically Electric does have an advantage for smaller students (depending on your size)  they have a thinner body that is less cumbersome so its easier to get your arms around.  Electric guitars also usually have a lighter guage of string on them which makes it easier to finger.  

  2. Awesome question!  My friends all learned guitar before I did, and they all recommended an acoustic for starting out, and that's the best way to go.  It builds finger strength and it builds your best friend, finger calluses.  Your fingers will hurt like a mother the first few weeks/months you play, but as your fingertips get numb you won't notice as much.  One thing they taught me was to never play guitar after taking a shower or after washing dishes--you will lose your calluses. My fingertips on my left hand are to the point where I was reaching in a co-worker's pencil bin, and pulled my hand out and there was a thumb tack in my finger and didn't even feel it.  That's what you want.

    As far as brands of guitars go it doesn't really matter when you are starting out.  We have a great indie scene here and no one judges anyone by the brand of their guitar, it's all about how you rock. A pawn shop guitar is all you really need for starting out.  Unless you are making money from playing shows, then don't spend any real money on guitars.  Keep your eye out on craigslist or ebay, or check out your local guitar shop for wicked awesome deals.  I got my first acoustic from, they were having a closeout sale on Washburn acoustics and I got a sweet cherry red acoustic for 100 bucks.  Get yourself a tuner too, so your guitar doesn't sound like ***.  Korg sells great tuners for cheap, you can find yourself a good one for probably 20 bucks.  

    Good luck man.  I always dig that the younger gen are picking up the guitar and trying to learn.  I am telling you, there is no better way to impress the ladies than the guitar. Learn the basics and move on to electric guitar if you still want to do it. Just don't spend a year's worth of allowance on something you don't really care about.  Make sure it's something you want to stick with.  Any other help as far as chords and scales go, let me know.  I can help you out.  

    Keep rockin brutha

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