
What kind of heavybag should i buy?

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im 15 years old........125 pounds......5'8




  1. You can get a cheap quality bag at one of the sport good stores you mentioned (not sure about Walmart or Target) but I 100% suggest getting a top notch bag. Go to or - I prefer the PowAir Water bag, 120 lbs. The bag has a water bladder with a warranty. With a sand filled bag, the sand settles to the bottom and the lower half of the bag feels like punching a brick wall. The water bag doesn't settle and it gives when you hit it. I've had mine for 7 years and I love it!!! I don't like the bag with the foam liner. I like the regular filled water bag.

  2. If your focus is punching power then u should get an 80-100 lb. heavy bag. Start off with an 80lb one, work it for a while then move up to the 100 lb. bag. At 125lbs. it'll take quite a bit to move the 80lb one a A LOT more to move the 100lb. bag.

  3. u shouldnt buy a light bag thats all i can suggest

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