
What kind of herbs can speed along a miscarriage for a pregnancy diagnosed as not viable?

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I have a friend whose found that her pregnancy stopped developing at 5 weeks, but now 2 weeks later she has not expelled the embryo. She does not want to take the pill the doctors are offering because she doesn't want all the hormones. I've heard that blue cohosh or black cohosh would help out, what do you know about it?




  1. It might be a good idea to take the pill the docs are offering because that rottting baby could cause serious problems.  She should try heavy exercise, such as jumping rope or running and if she drinks, get drunk a few times.  I'm not quite sure on any herbs that can noticably increase the chance of micarraige.

  2. * Parsley: Parsley is a good herb to start with. You can take it along with Vitamin C supplements. Boil two and half cups of water and add one once of parsley to it. Remove it from heat immediately after adding parsley and cover it. Steep it for about 20 minutes. You should drink 2-6 tablespoons of this parsley tea four times a day. Another way to induce a miscarriage with parsley is by inserting a fresh sprig of parsley into the v****a as far as possible. Remove it after 12 hours and insert a new one. Repeat this for every 12 hours. This prepares the cervix for release.

        * Vitamin C: Vitamin C is the least toxic and the most effective way to induce a miscarriage. Continue taking high doses of Vitamin C orally for every hour until your period starts. You can take up to 6000 mg of Vitamin C a day. It is very effective in bringing on menstration [menstruation].

        * Angelica/Dong Quai: it is a uterine stimulant that helps in relaxing the uterus. It not only stimulates delayed menstruation but also encourages the uterus to expel its contents by stimulating contractions. If you are taking a tincture, add 5-15 drops of it to a cup of water and drink for every 4 hours. And if you are taking capsules take 1000 mg every 4 hours.

        * Black Cohosh: It is an ability to ripen the cervix and therefore used before childbirth. It also helps in relaxing and opening the cervix. Take one-fourth to one teaspoon of its tincture, 4 times a day or 500-1000 mg of the capsules every 4 hours. As Black Cohosh alone can't induce a miscarriage, you have to it either with Angelica/Dong Quai or Blue Cohosh.

        * Blue Cohosh: It is also a uterine stimulant that helps in toning the uterus. It stimulates the contraction of uterus and is very effective when used in combination with Black Cohosh and Pennyroyal. For tinctures, take 1/4-1 tsp. For every 4 hours. For capsules, take 500-1000 mg every 4 hours.

        * Pennyroyal: It is one of the best effective herbs and natural ways for inducing miscarriage. You can take 20-60 drops of its tincture for every 3-4 hours. Don't take the essential oil extracted from it internally, as it is poisonous.

  3. Cohosh is used to induce labor so its worth a try. Try calling a local midwife if you get no help on here.

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