
What kind of horse is best for beginning western style rididng?

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I am a new rider and need to know what kind of horse i should ride? Thanks




  1. I'm going to second what Kidding said. The breed is really not all that important, some of the best horses out there are mixed breed or "grade" horses.

    Appaloosas, paints, and quarter horses are very common in the western world, but not all quarter horses are safe, calm, ect. It really depends on the individual.

  2. i started out on a Thoroughbred, but breed doesn't matter. what does, is temperment. go find a quiet, patient horse. it'll be worth its weight in gold

  3. quarter horse or pinto or an australian stock horse

  4. I started on a quarter horse....whatever breed of horse you decide on the important thing is to make sure the horse is safe for a beginner rider. Try to buy from an individual instead of stock sales you'll have better luck finding a horse that best suites you.  Good Luck finding your horse.....happy riding.

  5. the breed sould not matter at all, you just needt o find a horse that sound, bombproof and able to teach you what you need.  I'd say the horse should be older and not too young, He's shouldn't be spooky. Just find a horse that can teach you how to ride.

  6. A well trained, respectful "been there, done that" kind of horse.  Many people feel geldings are not as temperamental as mares and you're usually better off starting  with an older horse that you can learn from. Breed really doesn't matter but a dead broke, laid back quarter horse is a pretty good starting point for a novice western rider.  Of course, there are exceptions to all of the above.  Best advise would be to get a reputable professional  to help you chose the right equine partner for you.  It's money well spent in the long run!

  7. ride any thing that is not spookable, probbally not an arabian or tb unless it is older go to a stable and see what they offer get something that doesn't spook easily.

  8. any it does not matter just as long as u r a good rider

  9. The breed doesn't really matter and should come down to personal preference. What does matter is that the horse is suited for a beginner rider and that is safe for you to learn on. Typically this is a well seasoned horse that is described as "bomb proof", "kid safe", "suitable for a beginner". You want a horse that you can make mistakes on and will be tolerant (because of course you will~smile~ we all do) of those mistakes but also knows his job well enough that he can educate you as well. Old school masters are excellent candidates as well as horses that maybe have outgrown horse showing and need a more relaxed atmosphere as a beginners horse. Make sure you test ride the horse and don't buy a horse above your skills that you can "grow in to" buy a horse you can ride now and develop your skills. A safe reliable mount is worth their weight in gold, so shop carefully.

    Good luck! :~)

  10. Quarter Horse. Definatly.

    They are mellow and calm as well as loving!

  11. quarter horse there calm

  12. thee quarter horse.

    i got one for my first horse, and let me tell you, i still have him because he can do it all.

    the quarter horse is the type of horse that can do it all.

    i do western pleasure with my quarter horse. and he wins a lot!!!!

    the quarter horse has the biggest popularity for breeds.

    and they are amazing at western.

    but i will let you in on a good secret:

    get the old stocky type quarter horses.

    the new quarter horses are skinny and resemble a paint without the two tone colors.

    i have the old stock kind and they are amazinggg!

    just definitely get a quarter horse! ((:

  13. Which ever one your instructor puts you on

  14. I'd say quarter since they're all-around horses.

    But whatever floats your boat. Appaloosas, Arabs, TBs, and whatever can do what you want is good.

    Happy Trails.

  15. if your gonna buy a horse and you r a new rider DONT!!!

    take lessons...

    any horse can be a western horse however....

    for a begining rider i would suggest an older quarter horse

    good luck and happy trails

    remember 1 thing....

    you are not a cowgirl until u get thrown off a horse

  16. A lesson horse.  Find a stable that gives western riding lessons.  The breed of horse will not matter so much as the temperament and reliability of the horse.  A good lesson horse will tolerate your mistakes as you develop into a better rider.

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