
What kind of horse should I get?

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I really want a horse for my birthday and i think my parents are going to get me one but what kind should i ask for? I like german jumpers but i dont know. PLEASE HELP!!!




  1. I would go with an arabian......

  2. Doesn't matter. There all nice. I perefer for  new riders a tennisee walking horse. They have smooth rides and are good for dressage,barel racing, racing, polo, and jumping and english or western style riding.

  3. You got to tell us more then I like german jumpers???

    Like how tall are you what discipline do you ride?

  4. if ur a begginer, get a QH, most are very calm

  5. I love Quarter Horses!!!!

    They are used for Western riders...

    But it really depends on what you want to use the horse for...

    and what level a rider you are....

    but I would recommend Quarter Horses:))

  6. First of all you cant just buy a horse. I dont know your situation but I have been riding for 4 years and just now getting a horse. No effense to you at ALL but it is kind of annoying when people post questions asking about what breed! IT DOESNT MATTER THE BREED! What matters is the temperment, dicisplines, age, weight, height etc... The horse should be healthy and sound and just right for you. Dont rush into it. Like I said I have been looking for ovcer 2 years now and just found one. Dont choose the fist one you find! SEARCH AND SEARCH AND SEARCH until you find a miniumun of 5 horses that are just right. Then go ride all 5 and see what seems to feel right and perfect!


    DONT RUSH!!!!


  7. I think that your parents should definitely work with your trainer on this one, and get the right horse for you regardless of breed.  but is sounds like you have a good idea of wanting a jumper, and not knowing your skill level, or what sort of horses besides german jumpers you have access to, I really like Holsteiners.  they are great jumpers and beautiful horses.  If you can get one, though, government Morgans are amazing jumpers.   And certainly there are individual horses that are great jumpers of almost every breed.  If I were you, I'd just be tickled for any horse my parents were kind and generous to buy for me!  You're very lucky to have such parents!

    And Happy birthday!

  8. It depends on how well you ride and what you wil be using it for.

  9. We cant answer this its up to how tall you are how confident you are and how you are going to use him/her. Try lots of different breeds out, you cant just let your parents buy him YOU have to try him out yourself.

    Good Luck Alice L

  10. What are you planning to do with the horse and what level do you ride?

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