
What kind of hound dog is this?

by  |  earlier

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My brother-in-law just brought home a dog that someone surrendered at the vet (yes, I know, bless his heart). We know she is a hound, but aren't sure what kind of hound. She's definitely not Walker, and not a Beagle, Basset, Harrier, or Foxhound. She's pretty small, well, she would be if she weren't overweight. She's a light brown and white, with some darker spots on her belly. She bays, but it's more like a drawn-out bark than a true bay. She's very mellow and independant, at least compared to the Walker that he used to have. She's been here for about 8 hours (my BIL is staying the night because it's hay season and we're baling) and has already proved herself a fantastic ground squirrel hunter.

So if this rings a bell with anyone, please let me know, otherwise I'm looking for a good resource that shows all the various breeds of hounds, whether they're AKC recognized or not. My guess is she's something odd that only people who hunt with hounds would know about. Thanks!




  1. The bells would ring a heckuva lot louder if you showed us a photo or three.


  2. Kinda hard to determine.. But since you say overweight.. sounds like maybe a basset.

    how do you know that it isn't those breeds??

  3. By the coloring it sounds like it might be a beagle, she might be a mix to so its really hard telling

  4. Sounds like a Beagle-mix, one of the best dogs in the world.


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