
What kind of household chores can a five year old handle?

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I'm starting a job jar. My 5yr old will pick out one each day and be paid $1 for each completed task. I need some suggestions for jobs. Already have "pick up your toys" "clean your room" "straighten shoes in closet".




  1. Have them dump the little trash cans from around the house into the main one in the kitchen (or wherever you have it).

    Have them dust (no breakable figurines) with a feather duster.

    Have then put away their own clean laundry after you fold it.

    Have them run a Swiffer over the floor (if you have tile or hardwood).

    Have them weed flower beds.

    Have them give food/water to the pets.

  2. I think it's great that you are giving him a little chore.  It builds confidence and makes him/her feel proud.  Here are some suggestions but I would try and stick to just one that is "his job".  I would not use picking up toys because he should be helping you do that anyway.

    empty the trash - bringing all the small cans to the big one

    feed dog

    empty dish washer - with your help

    make bed

    pick out their own clothes (night before)

    Like I said, just pick one that is his job. Kids feel really great when they accomplish something but doing these together is a great way to spend time together.  Bonus!   Last thing, just doing the job and your approval is reward enough.  The allowance is great but I would give it for his all over behavior, not for helping around the house. Good luck and enjoy.  I would do anything to have my little one 5 again.

  3. set the table

    clear the table after meals

    sweep the floor (my five year old loves to sweep and you can

    buy a toy broom if the big one is too difficult for him to use)

    wash windows (I wouldn't give a child a bottle of Windex or anything, but you can give him a spray bottle full of water and a rag so he can clean windows, end tables, the bathroom countertop, etc.)

    fold laundry (my son can fold laundry better than my husband can ;-) teach him to fold simple things like hand towels, t-shirts, pants and socks, and he can fold his own laundry)

    put away folded laundry


  4. I'm so glad you asked this question. I was thinking of doing something like this for my five year old daughter, but the job jar is a great idea. Great suggestions, too!

  5. Empty small waste baskets into the large trash can.

    Help set the table.

    Help clear the table.

    Feed/water the animals.


    Watering the plants.


  6. The job jar is good but your price is too high.  Let him do several jobs and add the papers together for points.  After accumulating several points, then hand out the monetary rewards.  It teaches him to work for rewards and also patience toward achieving the goal.  Best of luck to you.  If your child likes visual learning, make a chart and post it and let everyone see his efforts add up.  By the way, make some jobs super easy and others more challenging.  This adds interest and gives the little guy a break too.  All the jobs mentioned by others are great ideas.  I let my daughter work the reward system when she was younger and now at 14, she could have her own cleaning business.  She knows how from working with me, helping during the summer and school holidays and realizes she had developed a way to earn extra money later during college.

  7. sweeping and mopping always worked for me.

    not a big broom, but with a hand broom and a rag type of mop( kids sectiosn have make believe brooms that work pefectly too)

    also swiffer, swiffer dusters, or picking up little things.

  8. "Pick up your toys and clean your room" should not be paid chores... those are everyday things that she should do anyways.

    She could do thing like....

    clearing the table

    vacuume the rugs (would need a smaller lightweight vacuume)

    sweep the stairs

    take care of bathroom trash

  9. For the past year, my boys (now 4 and 5) have had these chores: putting laundry into baskets, taking out trash (from the room to the main trash downstairs), taking dishes to the kitchen, putting groceries away, putting finished laundry away (their own), picking up toys, making the bed, and even babysitting their little sister(who's 15 mos.) for short periods of time.

  10. my five year old sister, Janelle does all these chores every day

    set the table before meals

    clean up after meals

    take dirty clothse to laundry room

    help clean up yard

    help sweep or vacum

  11. That is a great idea. Drying plastic dishes or utensils is good but drying forks and spoons is also good.

  12. My son cleans his room up (as best as a young child can do) also he is in charge of feeding our puppy. It is easy for him to scoop some food and pour it into a bowl. He feeds the fish too. He also helps me with his clothes. He knows how to fold his shirts in half and we sit together and do laundry. Your list sounds just fine though.

  13. My 5 year old cleans her room and the playroom. She is to take all dirty clothes and put them in the laundry room. She can vacuum her own room and help put the dishes away in the low cabinets. This age can do almost anything. My 5 year old loves to clean.

  14. show your 5 yr old how to fold clean clothes and dust.

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