
What kind of ice cream would be good to eat at the beach?

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What kind of ice cream would be good to eat at the beach?




  1. salty sea icecream :)

  2. Any kind you like as long as it's cold.

  3. French Vanilla is the best ^_^

  4. orange sherbert

  5. any kind you like

  6. strawberry its so good i get a cone whenever i go lol

  7. Vanilla!!!!!!

  8. sundaes r good. or just take ice cream pops. there's a lot of good ones. go to a super market

  9. The 3 flavors ice cream

    chocolate, vanilla. strwberry

  10. Dipping Dot's!!

  11. well there are many options, like coldstone or hagggan daze for example. but if i were going tot he beach i would choose a fruity flavor ice cream, such as sorbet ice cream.

    theres also "ice cream" which is really frozen yogurt, its Edy's frozen yogurt blends. its healthier than regular ice cream and has a bunch of different flavors. you should look them up on the website.

  12. Just about any.  If it's really hot out, mint ice cream is good for an extra cooling.

  13. You know, there isn´t a beach in Burgos!   It's kind of landlocked.

  14. the kind that doesn't melt.

  15. eeee none... the beach is icky and you'll get sticky cuz its humid and such and then ice cream kinda makes it worst... gotta wash hands and ick... but eating ice cream at a place would be nice and besides doesn't eating ice cream when its hot make you more thirsty or is it just me? tehehe

  16. whatever is ur favorite

  17. Rocky Road ice cream has chocolate and almonds.   really good.

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