
What kind of image is China trying to project?

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So that little girl who "sang" at the Beijing Olympics opening ceremony was miming to somebody's else's song?

And the 7 year old who actually sang the song wasn't allowed to sing at the opening ceremony because she wasn't pretty enough and China were trying to project "the right image"?

What kind of image are they trying to project???




  1. I don't think that they are trying to protect any image, rather they are trying to create an image for China to the rest of the world. The whole reason they taped the singing was that they wanted everything to be perfect. I think that they want to convey the message that their government is perfect (we all know in reality it is not). They want to make it seem like China is wonderful and everybody is happy.  

  2. Whatever it is, it is not working.

  3. China really wants to say " Look we can do things bigger,and better than you guys. "

  4. Dunrobin missed the whole point.

    The image they are trying to project is rich, modern, beautiful, perfect.  Any thing contrary will be locked up, hidden away, manipulated.

  5. I have no idea.

    The only image i get is one of a fickle, vain and selfish country.

    That poor little girl. So what if she has uneven teeth! She's a fantastic singer, give her the limelight she deserves.

    What is it with society and this obsession with looks?

    A 7yr old girl cant even sing live because she's considered 'not attractive enough'. Makes me sick.

  6. Their image has already been tarnished by the hit on the father-in-law of the US Volleyball Teams some chinese hitman.....

    I mean really....who would leave their job to kill somebody....only if they were offered enough money to do it...

  7. I think if you watch most television programmes in this country you will find that miming is very common.

    We also have many documented cass of some of our favourite pop groups having vocals dubbed on by session musicians.

    Maybe the pot shouldn't call the kettle black

  8. before anybody starts critisizing china i've got the real story

    little girl #2 (the one who wasn't chosen) wasn't not chosen because of her looks it was because she had stage fright. altho she had the best voice she was too scared to sing in front of that many they went with the little girl #1 who was extremely experienced as she had sang in front of millions b4 ...IT WAS NOT BECAUSE OF THE GIRLS TEETH or her cuteness!!!

  9. Really? :O

    Hey can you pleeeease gimme the link from where you get to know of all this stuff?

    I din't know about this......goddamn!

    China can be so barbaric.

  10. I should think they're simply trying to keep up with Western society, where 18 year olds have plastic surgery and anyone not meeting the required standard of self indulgence and vanity is seen as a loser.

    I found it fascinating that they have installed TV's on their public transport system so people can watch the Olympics whilst they travel - can you imagine how long it would survive on the London Underground before being nicked or vandalised, I'd give it 2 stops - 3 at the most.

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