
What kind of imaginative work do i do in a writing area of a 3-5 nursery??

by  |  earlier

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The children have learned to write their names whilst being in this area but is there any way i could extend on this??? please help




  1. I'm not sure if your looking for extension activities to build on writing their names--or general writing activities. The following ideas will adapt to what ever lessons you plan. Whatever you do-make it fun!!!!


    Use Small Ziploc storage bags, food coloring and thick styling gel (dippity-do gel)  Measure about 4 tablespoons of styling gel into a Zip-loc bag and add several drops of food coloring. Close bag – remove any air - and then have kids mix food coloring around until gel is all one color. When mixed, children lay the bags on a flat surface and practice writing their letters or numbers. Good for improving fine motor skills.


    Need wax paper and non-menthol aerosol shaving cream…

    Lay out wax paper flat on a table. Children spray a large pile of shaving cream on the area. Have them spread out the cream and practice their writing skills. This activity will be very helpful with fine motor skills- also visual and tactical learners will benefit. The more senses you use, the more you learn. Do this activity to practice letters, writing words, writing cursive, numbers, and doing addition.

    ..........MAKE PANCAKES, and SPELL OUT WORDS on them in chocolate chips or blueberries!

    When making pancakes, instead of pouring the batter to make round, traditional pancakes, pour the batter in the SHAPE of a letter.

    ..........Serve ALPHABET SOUP as a snack; look for certain letters.

    .........Warm Weather TAKE CHILDREN OUTSIDE with a bucket of water and a paint brush to "paint" their names on the sidewalk or wall (be sure to tell them that it's only OK with water, not with real paints!).  They can also draw shapes and letters with the water.

    .........Similar to the above- Have children “paint” their names with water on a hot sidewalk, then watch the letters disappear!.......... This can also be done using “ice-cubes’. To add some science, have children guess how long it takes for wet letters to evaporate, then time it.

    Have “OUTDOOR LESSONS” where children can finger paint the alphabet using sand, garden soil or playground pebbles.

    Use movement, touch and texture whenever you can to make learning more meaningful. Children can make letters or numbers with clay, play dough, blocks, finger paint, or their own bodies…

  2. wow- theyre really little- just have them finger paint  and draw pictures- thats how little ones express themselves best.  :)

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