
What kind of impact do water shortages have in some states (such as in New England)?

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What kind of impact do water shortages have in some states (such as in New England)?




  1. No cranberry juice.


  3. water shortages are getting to be a big joke.  if cities and municipalities would beef up their water treatment facilities there wouldn't be that big of a problem.

    see you have to understand that almost all of the water we use in a household goes down the drain right??   well where does it go from there?  one way down the sewer, the other into a septic system, which goes back into the ground.

    so in the sewer model if the water goes down the sewer to a wastewater treatment plant the treated water gets discharged to a river or the ground.

    what i am saying is if you take the effluent water(treated water) from the wastewater plant and pipe it to the fresh water plant and treat it some more, why is there a shortage???

    if you don't believe me that we are drinking water that was previously treated wastewater already, look on a map and follow a river.  find one cities wastewater plant discharge and then follow the river downstream to the next cities drinking water pickup...



  5. Here in NC we are all in a severe water drought.  Some kids actually shot at a water tower and that town lost A LOT of water.

    It makes a huge impact, because now all of our water pressure has been reduced, farm lands are not producing products, farm animals are not getting quality feed and now the owners have to travel or haul in feed from other states.

    We can't go boating, or do any water sports because lake levels are so low.


  6. If the water shortage is severe enough, it can lead to tremendous water rationing. That could mean no lawn watering, or at least reduced watering,  to begin with. With area lakes being down, that would curtail boating, fishing and water sports. And if the drought continued, it could lead to more intense rationing, such as how we do our laundry.

    I doubt that New England would be impacted any differently than any other state under those conditions. We might have to change some of our personal habits, but we all need to be more conservative with it while there are no shortages.

  7. I live in Las Vegas ,Nevada ,where water shortage is major concern.

    Lake Mead is the only sourse of water in this region,which is demenishing rapidly.This lake not only has to provide water to the area,but also has to provide water to the Hoover Dam to produce electricity to four states:

    Arizona,Nevada,California and Utah

    During the summer months,we can water our lawns only twice a week.

    Get caught doing it when you're not supposed to,you get a warning .After that,you continue to doing it,you get a hefty fine and

    no washing vehicles in the driveway.

    Water regulations here are strict and they mean business

  8. The limited use of water can have a significant impact on the state and cities therein.  A major water supply that is heavily reduced because of no rain can limit consumption in homes. limit watering plants and grass, washing vehicles, and even drinking.  The water supply in any city or state is valuable and without it, the city is basically cut off.

  9. New England is not a state

  10. How can there be a water shortage when global warming is melting the polar ice caps and creating flooding.

    If there is a water shortage - then plenty of immigrants will be out of a job when car washes close.

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