
What kind of industry contain nutrient in its wastewater?

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the nutrient are including orthophosphate and ammonia nitrogen.

how about the palm oil and flour mill industry?




  1. Check the following link.  It looks like they have it figured out in Norway.

  2. Almost all industries other than metal working will have some nutrients.  Any industry that uses plant or animal based products will have them.  The highest will be found in the food processing industries.  Cola industries will be high in phosphorus, but not nitrogen.  Palm oil itself does not have nitrogen or phosphorus itself so any would have to come from impurities in the process.  The same for flour.

  3. Dairy factories.  They have whey which needs to be disposed of.  Here in NZ they can obtain permits to apply it to pasture (a capped amount).  It is high in P and N, not sure on the form of N, but no doubt it is converted to ammonium N anyway.

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