
What kind of injuries can you get from being hit by a car

by  |  earlier

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I'm doing research for a story idea of mine and I don't want to go out and get hit by a car to find out. LOL! but the person in it has to go through a bunch of physical therepy.




  1. Dislocations, fractures, sprains, bruising, internal bleeding, organ damage, concussions, cracked bones, bruised bones, death.

    Good plan by the way, from personal experience I can tell you that getting hit by a car hurts.  Quite a lot...

  2. Death.

  3. Anything can happen.  Nothing can happen.  Depends on the situation.  Use your immagination.  If you need sources, use the newspaper.

  4. Getting hit by a car can include death, and many others including bleeding inside the head, major concussions and broken bones. I suggest you don't try and get hit.

  5. depending on exactally what type of vechicle you mean..and its speed...everything has a chance of breaking..

  6. head injuries,closed head injuries..internal bleeding/hemmoraghing/intracranial bleeding in the brain/massive internal injuries/ruptured spleen/lacerated liver/bruised kidneys/spinal injuries/paralysis/mutliple fractures/broken back/open fractures when the bone is sticking out throught he flesh/internal bleeding/overall multiple trauma..just means .many .many serious injuries///cardiac(heart)contusion bruised heart basically/good luck

  7. Blunt force trauma of any kind.  

  8. internal injures, breaking bones, bone relocation and death.

  9. broken bones, brain trauma, death, sprained ankles all sorts of stuff

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