
What kind of insect leaves a little pile of wood dust in the corner of my home?

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there is also a small muddy tubular thing atttached to the wood, it is not straight though it is kind of irregular




  1. Most likely termites.  Get a professional exterminator right away.  There is no home treatment, we tried it all.  

    Don't be foolish like we were trying to save money.  It cost us $40,000 in repairs.  They do a lot of damage.  The earlier you get rid of them, the less likely you'll have the big repairs like we did.

  2. This may be termite damage you are viewing.   There are many other wood boring insects that might have invaded your home.  I suggest that you contact a pest control specialist.  Do not buy the termite protection plan where they plant plastic holding bins in the ground to find termites, just a waste of money.  Pay for a guaranteed spraying for termites and other insects.  Good luck.

  3. termite

  4. termite..boring thru the wood

  5. termites, get something done ASAP

  6. The mud tubes are the way the termites get around.  They build them to walk from one place to another without being seen and in darkness.  Obviously the sawdust is them munching away on your wood.  You need to call a exterminator right away to avoid any further damage.  

  7. You certainly have a "Termite infestation"  Your description is typical of their presence. Call in the exterminators, you may not realise the extent of the damage already done..  

  8. termites they are little insect that been boring to the woods many termites live in the forest that have many trees because they need wood for their life cycle.

  9. Carpenter bees eat 1/4" circular holes in wood.  Female lives inside, male hovers to protect the nest.  Bothersome, but  I've never been stung.  First photo, second row = nest.

    Tubular mud is the nest of a dirt dauber.  The irridescent black wasp stuns spiders, encases them in mud nest, lays an egg on spider for the wasp larvae to feed on.  Benneficial, non aggressive.

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