
What kind of insect or bug is this?

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I found it in my kitchen. Is this a roach? My house is always clean, because I am a clean freak.

It is black, and I looked at pictures of raoaches, and it didn't look like then to much, it wasn't as wide as them.




  1. It's a roach!!

  2. this a wood roach, they are different than domestic roaches they are not looking for food they live around decaying wood. you can spray around your house and under it and most likely solve this issue.

  3. heh, "small water bug" ,  that's  a nice way people describe outdoor roaches. Hard to tell from your pic but it is either an Oriental roach, which is pretty black, but is shaped a bit different, the Smokey Brown roach (which is dark brown to almost black) ...American roach nymph can be dark but is usually a dark reddish.   Sassy's post pretty much explained it, it's an outdoor roach coming in...if you start having a continuation of finding many nymphs in a short period of time there may be a water leak to look for.

  4. That is, in fact, a roach.  More specifically, it is a 4th or 5th instar adolescent American Cockroach.  It does not have wings because it is still immature.  Roaches grow by molting, or shedding their skins.  They will go through about 5 molts before becoming adults with wings.  And, that is absolutely the correct answer.

  5. Yes I am %100 sure it is a roach. How do I know? I have seen shitloads, big and small. One dropped on me from the f****** ceiling.  

  6. cockroach

  7. LMAO! I completely understand how you feel!!! I moved to GA from CT and that was one of the most awful changes I have seen! It is certainly a wood roach! I tend to see them when there has been a lot of rain within a few days. I didn't see any in the last 3 weeks but then in the last 24 hours I killed 3!(One this morning!) I keep that lysol bleach cleaner under the sink because I few sprays and it is gone! I feel so bad reading this because I felt the same way. I had an exterminator come out to identify it once I caught it and the woman that answers the phone told him she has never heard someone freaking out as much as I was. I was begging them to help me telling them that I had never even seen a roach. I was up all night looking through cabinets and doing the most detailed cleaning I have ever done in my life when I found it before I knew that there was nothing I could do about them. All I can tell you is what I was told and that is that they don't want to be inside. It was an accident and they eat decaying wood. (I had a huge mulch pile outside my house) Good Luck it gets better! Or you get used to it I mean! wow I think I can stop now I have this answer looking like a novel!

  8. It looks like a roach to me.

    Try spreading boric acid and/or diatomaceous earth: That will kill a lot of bugs.

    Good luck!

  9. Look more like a small water bug. Roaches are usually brownish looking.

    Asked how to get rid of them.

  10. It definitely looks like a roach to me and I can tell by the legs with the little knobby bits on them

    Perhaps you bought something home with one in and it hopped out of whatever - I hope you killed it

    Have a look at the site below - it has really good illustrations and also sketches which show what I am talking about with the legs  

  11. its a baby water bug!!! they are seasonal creatures

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