
What kind of insects live in the Bahamas?

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My family and I were considering spending Christmas in the Bahamas, but I am extremely anarachnaphobic (spelling?) and I am worried about large spiders because of the climate. If you have been to the bahamas could you share your experiences?




  1. There aren't large spiders here.  Also, there are less insects and spiders out in the winter, so don't worry about it.  Unless you are going to be running through the bushes, you will be fine.  Have fun!

  2. hi ive been to nassau, freeport and andros an ive not come across big spiders uhave ur typical small house spiders but if your stayin in a hotel am sure they will be to a minimum or non atall, they only creature thing you see ALOT of are them small lizard type things there about 6 inches and run along everywhere they come quite amusing after a while. oh yeah an the obvious is cockroaches but no spiders

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