
What kind of instrument should he play?

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I have a friend he's 15 and he really wants to learn an instrument. the problem is that he does'nt know what kind of instrument to play although he knows how to play the recorder. so what do you guys think?




  1. Well it depends on the music he likes and how serious he is about playing an instrument. Since he can't decided, no offense, but I don't think he's too serious. I'd start with guitar because you can get a guitar for pretty cheap.

  2. If he already enjoys playing the recorder, then any woodwind would be good, such as a clarinet, oboe or bassoon.

  3. I suggest that he go to a music store, play around with all the stuff in their until he figures out which one he likes the most or he gets kicked out. lol

  4. In my opinion i think the flute would be a good instrument for him =]

  5. I play flute, and it's okay. A bit hard to learn at first, but once you get the hang of it, it can be enjoyable. I think it's fun when you get a cool piece of music, and get to play all the cool fast notes, whereas with other instruments, you won't get the melody as often.

    Guitar is also a good option, because it's just plain cool, and you can be in a rock band.

    There will always be a need for piano players, and it's classy. I wish I could play. It looks like fun.

    Well, whatever he chooses, music makes the world go round, and it's fantastic to be a part of it.

  6. Well, if he doesn't know what to play. How are we supposed to know? (No offence.) He can either continue playing the record until he finds an instrument that he actually enjoys to play. Instruments aren't cheap these days. They are pretty expensive, so he can't just take random advices from us and buy those instruments. What if he doesn't like them? He could also go into music stores that sells instruments and just check all of them out. Just start banging on drums, strumming the guitars, and all those amazing instruments. There are many to choose from. That's my suggestion, or like I said just wait for the time to come. I've actually played many instruments, the drums, guitar, piano, flute, violin, cello, recorder, trumpet, and so on. I've enjoyed all those instruments because I am a 'music person'. But what I enjoy most is the drums, guitar, and piano.

    Your friend might like the drums. He's a guy, most guys love to bang on stuff. Haha. But the drum is an amazing instrument, but it is pretty expensive. I've got a few sets in my garage. I go out and play them everyday. I've been playing them since I was 5 now I'm like 22, so it's been like 17 years now. And it is still my favorite instrument.

    The guitar, most people love playing the guitar. It is also amazing. I've been playing it for over 10 years now. And I play it at shows and written tons of songs with it. Guitars are pretty cheap, depending on which kind you buy. The best thing is they are portable!

    The piano is also great, but complex as well. I actually enjoy playing the piano. It feels very soothing, that's why I love playing it.

    Like I said there are many instruments to choose from. Tell him to not rush. It takes time to find your true talent and there are many instruments to choose from.

    Good Luck with everything!


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