
What kind of interesting MLB matchups can you name?

by  |  earlier

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Brewers vs Cardinals (Beer city matchups)

White Sox vs Red Sox (Sox matchups)

Blue Jays vs Cardinals (Bird matchups)

....what else can you think of?




  1. Rays vs. Marlins  (fish teams)

    Mariners vs. Pirates  (seafarers)

    Orioles vs. Cardinals  (birds)

    Indians vs. Rangers  (cowboys + indians)

    Indians vs. Braves

    Tigers vs. Cubs  (tigers + bears, oh my!)

  2. Brewers vs Cardinals

    White Sox vs Red Sox

    Blue Jays vs Cardinals

    Mets, Red Sox

    Red Sox, Yankees

    Yankees, Mets

    Reds, Indians

    White Sox, Cubs

  3. mets and yankees (subway series) yankees and red sox, as usual for hatred of each other and would like to see a brawl between 5,000 red sox fans and 5,000 yankee fans to see who is tougher!!

  4. nyy nym

  5. Rays-Marlins (Fish)

    Angels-Padres (Religious Match up)

  6. The team match ups have pretty much all been done... why not  something like...

    Babe Ruth facing Roger Clemens

    Sandy Koufax pitching to Barry Bonds....

    Now those would be interesting.

  7. ANgels vs. Dodgers

    Highway Series

  8. Nolan Ryan (in his prime) vs Babe Ruth (in his prime)

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