
What kind of interesting wildlife have you seen recently?

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Today on my walk, I saw 4 red-tailed hawks soaring around together - beautiful! I don't think I've seen more than 2 in one place. (suburban So. Cal.) How about you in your neck of the woods?




  1. We saw 3 large tarantulas crossing the highway (not together) last week while on a drive in the country. They were very colorful, black, tan and orange. They move around a lot this time of year, but it's unusual to see that many within a hour or so. They were about 2 and a half to three inches in circumference where their legs touched the ground! Missouri Ozarks. peace

  2. The most interesting I've seen (other than the beautiful and RARE red headed woodpecker that nested near my previous house) were actually seagulls, of all things; but it was what they were doing that was interesting.

    They were hunting flying insects in mid air!

    I've never seen that before.  Including the method.  They would stall in mid flight by flaring their wings and then snap their heads forward to catch the fly.  Then they would pull out of the stall into a dive and repeat the process all over again.

  3. I saw some sea urchins, starfish, hermit crabs and sea anemones on Sunday when I went to the tide pools by my house. There is also a noisy colony of green parrots that live in the palm trees that are close by.

    Isn't Southern California the greatest?

  4. I saw a squirrel (I think) with no tail.   The way it was hopping around it might have been a mutant rabbit though.

  5. I saw the biggest Buck Deer 12 points, and deer season is coming up...I live on a 156 wooded  farm in Ky. I hope he hides.

  6. Parrots

  7. I work in the bush in northern Alberta (doing ecological research) and my crew and I saw a very large black bear and three cubs, another female bear and her one cub, a couple of grouse (even the babies that were still travelling around in a bunch - we didn't see mom though), pheasants (I think they were released though, not naturally occuring), mule deer, white tailed deer, a herd of elk, Baltimore orioles, a HUGE forest tent caterpillar infestation (there were so many of them that there were no leaves on the trees or shrubs and they were falling out of the trees - EWWW), loons, blue herons, many common songbirds (nuthatches, chickadees, red-eyed vireos, oven birds, blue jays, robins...etc), a fox, a bunch of coyotes, a glimpse of a beaver, a cow moose, a cougar (I've never seen one of those in the wild before - it was actually chasing a deer!!), whooping cranes, vaious hawks...oh, and a great grey owl that almost hit out truck.  I never realized how HUGE their wing span is!!!  

    Here in the city (Edmonton) I have seen various song birds, water foul (grebs, mallards..etc), squirrels, coyotes, a couple of boreal chorus frogs, northern leopard frogs, wood frogs, white tailed jack rabbits, pileated woodpeckers and some sapsuckers (but I don't know the species).

    All-in-all it was a very interesting summer!

  8. A few evenings ago smelled skunk.  Odor was coming in my opened front door.  Did not see him but sure smelled him.  In rural Ohio.  I often see deer in my yard.

  9. i regularly see hawks over my house-in north carolina- looking to see if my chickens are out! i saw 2 young deer tonight on my way home.

  10. Four evenings ago I was walking with 9 yr. old son down our dirt road. All of a sudden son said "Oh, my gosh, there's a rattlesnake!" And sure enough there was a rattle snake coiled up. Then two evenings ago we were walking down the road and son said "wouldn't it be funny if we saw another snake?" And just then I was looking down, and I said" Oh my gosh there's a rattle snake!" Son almost stepped on it!

    There also have been three deer hanging round, two doe and a young buck.

    And I saw a very big black crow land on top of pine tree this afternoon.

    Near Redding, Ca.

  11. i love wildlife too, I saw a red heron last week when I was in Florida

    Oh I also saw a giant bug in my friends dorm!  I saw an pigeon today, pooped on her car she must have bad luck :(

  12. I live in the middle of the city in Michigan i seen 7 pheasant the other day i also see squeals , rabbit , possums , raccoons, ground hogs any kind of bird you could imagine i even see  chicken once in a wile .

  13. Speaking of wildlife, or fake wildlife in this case; my mom, she's this hilarious lunatic (not for real or it wouldn't be as funny, she's a French teacher-make your own assumptions) She was taking her morning walk and she had this thought pop in her head, "what if I called in that I'd seen a bear on my walk. I'm a respectable member of my community, they'd probably believe it, send people up here, search for a while, and never find anything. They'd probably assume the bear had wandered away. No one would suspect me"  LOL, so she didn't actually do this, she's not a psycho, but her reasoning would suggest otherwise. Ha, crazy. Anywho, sorry that didn't really apply, the craziest thing I've seen lately were some squirrels eating garbage on my way to school. Not as cool as hawks, but hey, that's what it's like in suburbia. :)

  14. The drought has driven many species

    into our Cities-

    here in Brisbane , in my back yard ,

    I have Bush Turkeys (try gardening when

    they are around!)

    Also the Water Dragons have come out

    of hibernation and there are dozens fighting

    over their favourite summer spot.

    The Kookaburra's are just part of our

    wonderful species of birds.

    And they rule the yard -the 2 dogs get

    chased by the Bush Turkey's!

  15. I got a deer today while bow-hunting.

    Also saw a couple of foxes, various birds, and squirrels while in the woods this morning.

    In Northern MN.

  16. I was hiking in the high Sierras a few weeks ago and encountered Ma Bear and her two cubs.  They were sauntering along the path and I just stepped out of the way, admonishing myself because I missed the photo opportunity of the trip.  But it was awesome, seeing those young bears sticking so close to Ma, and Ma out there trying to provide for her young in a drought year.

    We also saw a number of deer, the white-headed woodpecker, and the American Dipper by the river, diving under the flow to hunt for food.

  17. coming home from work in Georgia i seen 5 does in a field today.

  18. Not living far from Sandy, who posted above, I am really spoiled living in the Australian countryside.

    In the last week I have seen an echidna, a red bellied black snake, eastern water lizard, a couple of guanas, king parrots, white and black cockatoos, crimson rosellas by the score, wagtails, a few bogun moths (big things they are too), several kinds of butterflies I cant even name, and even the odd Galar.

    And then there are roos of every type, great big red ones, those are rare, wallabies that cruise up and down the paddock fence trying to break into the stonefruit orchards, poddymelons which are small and dark and look like plump kangaroos.  Bush turkeys which follow each other in trains and scare you out of your wits when driving because you never know if its the last!

    Domestic and livestock consist of the neighbours invading cattle, our own horses, alpacas, cats, herd guardian dogs which are white and the size of wolves..and the odd paralysis tick removed from said animals (a joyful task :) )

    Insects by the thousands..bees, ants, beetles of deep and lustrous hue!

    Flying foxes.

    The seasonal animals include multitudes of crickets and nesting Wedgetailed eagles which return every so often, with wingspans perhaps 8 foot across.  Magnificent animals.  And of the small creatures, four winged dragonflies and glow worms, fireflies, which you can mistake for shooting stars until they flick close to you.

    Frogs of all shapes and colours. Tiny ones the size of your fingernail which sit by the watertanks with huge booming voices amplified calling out for mateship.  Great big fat green frogs which make hardly a sound.  Treefrogs camouflaged on the windowsills competing with praying mantis' to catch bugs, and huntsmen and wood spiders as big as your fist!

    Love the country.

  19. I live in boreal forest area of Canada.  recently I have seen bears(2), bald eagle and red foxes(3).  Up here, we still have alot of wild animals.  There is very little population for how much land we have.

  20. One silver leopard, rare

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