
What kind of issues or problems have you had with neighbors?

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and how did it turn out?




  1. The only issues I've had is that they keep bugging me about their church. I would ignore their invites, and now they don't mention church at all. I think they got the hint. I hope I'm not  considered the DEVIL to them now.....LOL

  2. Their dog chasing ours and their dog chewing up our stuff, and their dog going in our yard, and their dog growling at my dad for attempting to leave the house and them for being liars and them for copying every move we make-we mow the grass, they mow the grass. We don't mow for three weeks-they don't either. We mow diagonally-they mow diagonally. Them just screaming and laughing at 3 in the AM. Them never going inside, just pulling up and honking and getting our dogs started.

    =/ We told them it was annoying and they got their dog a leash.

  3. my neighbor spray paints my windows and walls with offensive language and graphics.

    the problem is, i can't prove it is him, but i know it, coz he's the only one at home when all the others around my house go to work, and when i return, i find c**p on my walls. and he isn't quite the junky looking guy, but is a real nosey snoop and jealous kind of guy. when i set up a CCTV, he never came around (quite smart). when i removed it, due to the costs, he starts up the artwork again.

    i knew police can't help either, since i have no proof.

    bloody h**l! so i went and punctured his car tyres. and guess what..he never confronted me about it, despite me making it so obvious (like doing it when this guy was home, and all my other neighbors were out)...that told me alot about who vandalized my property.

    things like this spoil people unfortunately.

  4. My neighbors are suing me!  It is still in the middle.  I'll let yo know how it turns out.

  5. When I used to live in an apartment it ran the gamut:

    Unauthorized pets that caused a flea infestation (evicted).

    Frequent domestic violence (evicted).

    Loud Music and parties after 10pm (evicted).

    Too many vehicles, neighbors parking in reserved spots (forced management to enforce the rules).

    NOW I split my time between my farm and my brother's ranch... much less stress.  Neighbors tend to actually work TOGETHER.

  6. I had two bitter women living upstairs and everytime my kids made any noise ( at say 4 pm), they'd pound on the floor. Ironically, they walked like elephants, and probably made much more noise than us.

    We moved...

  7. Too many cars on the street.  Cat crapping in my garden.

    Still too many cars on the street, still have p**p in the roses.

  8. neighbor won't turn down her ******* music and we have assigned parking and her friends are ALWAYS in my spot. next time i hope they have a ride home cause their cars getting towed

  9. My neighbor almost killed my husband when he was shooting at a cardinal with a 22 because the bird had been pooping on his truck.  The bullet whizzed by my husband's ear.

    We called the police and since we had no idea who shot the gun my husband thought it was someone target shooting and told the police that if he found the person to not press charges (I strongly disagreed) but to just warn him.  When it turned out that it was my drunk neighbor shooting at a bird I wanted to press charges but the cop and my husband (good old boy's club) thought it would be better for the neighborhood if he didn't.  Anyway I was quite angry about their sissy decision but there was nothing I could day a police woman came to the house asking about my neighbor because he had applied to be a police officer and I told her about what happened (he had lied to them because he did get a ticket for shooting at a song bird from the DEC that he said was nothing)  I felt a little bad and she said not to worry because his own family members and friends had said enough to let them know he shouldn't be an officer already.

  10. At my first apartment, a woman next door had an abusive boyfriend.  He parked in my spot everyday (he didn't live there) or would hit my car with his door.  She had a yappy Chihuahua that pooped everywhere.  They would get in fights around 2 in the morning, and he would throw things and hit the wall.  After the fight he would play music as loud as possible (like heavy metal) and I finally called the police after he smashed in her window and I heard him throw her against the wall.  His car was towed and she was stupidly letting him stay...I moved.

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