
What kind of items would you have in ur backpack if you were stuck on an island?

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What kind of items would you have in ur backpack if you were stuck on an island?




  1. I would want my SAR (Search and Rescue) pack.

    First Aid Kit

    and everything I need to survive for 4 days in the brush

    Rope, water purification tablets, space blankets, 4 days MRE's

    Small bore revolver and ammo, fishing line, knife, hatchet, 10x10 sheet visqueen, 4x4 sheet visqueen, signal mirror, flint and stone, compass, plus much more

  2. well let me see

             how about astrounot food

             lots of water

             those little packets of flavoring to put in the water

             cell phone and laptop(includes charger and internet access)  

    well lets face it i would die in the first 5 minutes

  3. Knife - comes in handy at all times useful for alot of things

    String and a some kind of waterproof sheet to build a shelter out of sticks etc. or a tent...

    Water purification tablets - get water from a river filter it with a sock or something and then purify it - obviously to stay dehydrated.

    Condom - good for storing water in and is small when empty.

    Flint striker for fires

    Some packet meals

    loads more stuff lol!


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