
What kind of jeans would look good on me?

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I'm 16, and I'm pretty average in size, not really curvy, but more of an athletic build. anyways, I have really strong thighs ( 21 inches / 54 cm) and my hips are 35 inches / 89 cm. however, I still have trouble finding jeans that fit me, or look good on me.. any suggestions? oh.. and I'm a girl haha.




  1. for cheap, try kohls

    for moderate to expensive try anchor blue abercrombie and holister

  2. Ummmm... I am not sure what size ofjeans but Dark Jeans are best with bigger thighs

  3. im built alot like u and flar jeans look best on me cuz the make my thighs look skinnier but what ever u do DO NOT get skinny jeans the make thighs look bigger

  4. the style where there tight and then blow out at the bottom

  5. best thing to do, is go shopping n try every single style on unitl u find sumthing u like and are comfy in

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