
What kind of jet lag will I have with a 12-hour time difference?

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I am flying to Thailand in about a week, and I go to school in Texas. There is a 12-hour time difference, and the travel day will be between about 23-24 hours long. I'm flying through Tokyo, over the Pacific.

How bad will the jet lag be? Also, any tips on getting over it? I've heard that coming back is worse, and classes start right after I get back. I don't want to be falling asleep in class the first day.




  1. Well, pretty much midnight will turn into lunch time - and that's brutal.

    Don't drink/take caffeine because that will disrupt your sleeping patterns, and if you nap, I'd limit it to an hour or you won't be tired at bedtime - better yet, not at all. Stay up 'til it's a normal bedtime where you are - no matter how hard it is, the best way to adjust is to force it. Your body won't want to sleep at what seems like the afternoon to it - but if it's 10:30 pm local time and you've gotten no barely any sleep for the past day and a half, you'll be out like a light no matter what time it is back home.

    I once arrived in Paris from Vancouver, B.C. via Montreal at 8 in the morning (in Paris) and spent the whole day up and about. I was exhausted and was falling asleep between the stops on the metro by the end of the day. But the next day, I was fine, and the day after that, I was all adjusted. :)

    edit: Adjusting things now seems ridiculous to me. It doens't take very long to adjust (unless you try to stick to your old time or something silly like that), so I don't see the point in messing with your sleeping habits unnecessarily.

  2. When i went to india i had a lot of jet lag and i slept like all the time barely awake to eat and talk. So it is best to start trying to transition into their time and get a feel of the difference that will get you the best prepared.

    Good Luck!

    Hope this helps!

    I am from Sugar Land, Texas!

  3. You need to begin adjusting your sleep cycle to the time in Thailand right now. Instead of going to bed around 11pm in Texas, try going to bed at 11am tomorrow morning. Yes, stay up all night. Wake up around 6pm to 7pm Texas time tomorrow and stay up all night again.

    Do this from now on. If you don't force your mind and body to begin this transition now, you'll have to do it when you get there.

    Just my 2 cents ~ Jeff

  4. I would go ahead and try to set yourself on Thailands time. It's gonna suck because of the sun and what not, but it will help so much and you won't have jet lag once you get there! You'll be tired the first day, sure, cuz of the long trip. A few days before you go back to Texas, I would try to get readjusted to Texas time by going by Texas time. That's going to be the worst part if you are going over there to visit, but it will help with your classes!! When you get back, if you have a few days before classes start, then don't worry about trying to adjust to Texas time while you are still in Thailand. Just have fun and enjoy it! I'd love to go there sometime! Have a safe flight!

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